Year of non-presence (except for the link correction) about up so reporting in at my original (c. 11/2000 XE) Web 2.0 venue of choice. Haven't fully succeeded at goals set for 4704, everything is accomplished and nothing but there's still a good 60 days left:
  • Imperium:
    Decent progress here I suppose, all things considered. You know you're not supposed to be suppressing the Frights and Delights, but riding them as the Superior Man can normalcy, the whole sageliness within, kingliness without thing. Currently Site Architect and Community Developer of, which so far as I can tell is the premier lesbian site on the web. Ironically, I've had to make a statement on one of my two profiles there explaining why no one can have more than one profile except me and that I have just two. New foundations of community there based on a WordPress per user feature seems to be going very well. More generally though, we are not ready to cut Res Gestae
  • Form
    I was/am arguably in the best shape of life ATC, slippage due to recent move and stuff, but back at it sozusprechen.
  • Jati
    Well on the one hand I did become more integrated with my blood family, the Aryan branch on LJ and the Other on YouTube, started family album with name of this item in my web. So with that and virtual community development at GFM and elsewhere could mark this one check. On the other hand making all personal relations in the Geborene Kronstat if not the species of origin, excepting only my blood relations and friends of 20 years or more virtual seems a leap in the opposite direction.
  • Zhong Wen
    Again, in some ways nothing, in others everything. Fung Yu Lan's Short History of Chinese Philosophy, has made an obvious impact and I've modified the goal to be to have modest chunking in the way in which Hofstadter refers to it going well enough to hear sentence structure on CCTV.
  • Dat Ass Draggin Site
    Have a great and prosperous 4705!
Day before yesterday, I think, went to the falls for the first time. It was cold and dark and drizzly. The American town, my new residence is no more than a Starbucks coming soon as opposed to the 10 or so in the Canuckistani town.

Funreal indeed.