The boots of striding and springing are a common magical item found in many fantasy role-playing games.

Have you ever been walking along in the forest, minding your own business, when all of a sudden, you said to yourself, "I want to hop around like a wounded bunny!"? If so, then these boots are for you.

The wearer of these boots can walk for up to 12 hours per day without tiring, and can leap incredible distances. A standing long jump of 30 feet is easily achieved.

These boots seem best suited to troublemakers, and other rogue type characters, as their main use seems to be in running away. Although with a lot of practice you can learn how to hop up to someone, hit them, and then hop away, all in one motion (this makes the boots at least somewhat combat effective).

These particular boots are usually of soft leather, and will expand to fit any size foot.

This is only my interpretation of this item, which is based largely upon its use in the older versions of the Dungeons & Dragons series of games. Your boots may turn you into a rabbit on the 7th hop, or be different in some other way. To be totally safe, you should read the instructions. < TBBKs note About my RPG nodes My RPG nodes are usually based upon material in the various AD&D rulebooks. But they are my own work, as I often expand the information (and in some cases plain disagree with the source material). None of them are cut and paste. You are free to use my descriptions in any material of your own (even commercial material), as long as I am given some sort of credit. >