Nodesteading for now.

1879-1935. "The Cherokee Kid". Died in an Alaska plane crash with aviator Wiley Post. A part-Cherokee renaissance everyman from what is now known as Oklahoma; his adult life spanned stints as a cowboy, both For Real, and of the circus and vaudeville variety, some acting, both in silents and talkies, and, most famously, as a folksy storyteller and sometimes-political humorist in newspapers, on radio, and in books.

When Rush Limbaugh becomes a Cowboy of Color and starts "speaking truth to power" (instead of being merely a great Johnny One Note showman), maybe we can, like dannye seems to like doing, call him "the Will Rogers of the age". Rush seems quite comfy being a loud, entertaining member of The Establishment, all the way to the bank. Garrison Keillor, lame though he may sometimes be, is more like Rogers than Rush is.

"We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others."

Give me a call when Rush learns that one.