I faintly remember being in some field with my middle-school classmates... we had killed the supervisor and now were on our own. I board some sort of monorail... blank ...
I found myself driving to a mideaval reenactment sponsored by my city. My mother was in the car also, complaining about not being able to find a parking spot. Finally I did find one, in the parking lot rented out to my dad's company. We seperated, and I went to see some tournaments, meeting people from far back. I ran into a combination of my ex girlfriend's sister and a girl whom I had a crush on years ago; she flirted with me and I kissed her briefly. While waiting on my mother, I go into a side room that has some Mobile water to taste... I complain about how dirty it is, and ask what kind of filtering the city uses. The lady insists that Mobile Bay is clean, I insult her and leave. She turns obese. I run, and climb over buildings to get back to the car...

my mother walks into my room and wakes me up.