1888–1963, Spanish novelist, biographer, and critic, b. Madrid. One of the most prolific and imaginative of modern Spanish writers, Gómez de la Serna was a precursor of surrealism. He sought to express the subconscious and portrayed modern man as a mannequin. He invented the greguería, a kind of surrealist metaphor in epigram form combining humor and poetic insight. Two collections of these are his Flor de greguerías (1933) and Some Greguerías (tr. 1944). Gómez de la Serna is known simply as Ramón, and his mode of literary expression as ramonismo. Among his many works are an autobiography (1948), lives of El Greco and Goya, and the novels El doctor inverosímil (1921) and El torero Caracho (1926). Antología (1955) and Obras completas (1956) are later collections of his works.

He wrote about nearly "EVERYTHING" - and so I think this would've been his place.

Just one example as a start:
- A las gentes les gusta recibir una invitación para días próximos porque así parece que tienen ya un derecho adquirido sobre el porvenir. -
- Translation: People love to get invitations for the next day - because this way they seem to have gained the right to be alive tomorrow still.-

Further reading: http://hamp.hampshire.edu/~ngzF92/ramon/ramon.html

Nevertheless greatest part of his works unfortunately is only available offline. I will add some more greguerías to this node.

Biography taken out of -The Columbia Encyclopedia-.