The other night I was over at a friends house and we were eating lasagna and drinking vodka tonics. Needing to go home that night, we called SafeRide (1-785-864-SAFE) for a ride. This is a university program that basically gives drunk people free rides home. Not a bad idea, and one I've used on plenty of occasions. So I call SafeRide and describe my friends appartment complex, dude assures me he knows where it is, and we wait. After watching the SafeRide van pass the complex several times and we assertain that they aren't coming back, my friend decides that he'll drive us home. But first my friend called SafeRide again...

"Yeah, my friend called like forty minutes ago and you told her that you knew where my appartment was but you didn't. You lied and manipulated. I'm their drunk friend and I'm taking them home. Hope we're okay!"

As he hung up, we could hear the SafeRide dude say, "No, wait!" in this panicky voice. It's like something out of an after-school special...

...except we didn't wind up dead, a few minutes later the van showed up. :)