Tear it all down and rebuild it again.

Consider that the happiness is not derived only at the point when we reach our end goal, but is primarily in the motions and memories along the way. It is important to adjust your goals according to this, such that it is possible to touch, taste, and savor your surroundings as you pass through on your way. If you choose the plastic prepackaged manner which you are expected to chase after endlessly, you will probably never achieve it. If you do manage by some means, undoubtably it will either crumble to pieces like the empty shell it is, or you will maintain stasis wondering why things are oddly sour and unfulfilling. Honestly, you cannot expect to attain perfect happiness anyways. There is too much in the universe, always some new angle to experience. If it were possible to grasp, the only place to go would be plummeting down and start the journey anew. Humanity, collectively, seems obsessed with building and constructing (not simply the literal sense), so called advancement and progress. It appears not to make a difference whether it is off a previous foundation of effort or from scratch, just the forward motion that is critical.