Portland, glorious city of greenery, hills, volcanoes, and incessant sogginess, is the wondrous land that I am proud to call home; however, the whimsy of Kismet has drawn me to the frozen midwest, Minnesota that is, to attend an institution of higher learning. Alas, said institution's springtime pause and my resultant return to my homeland occured just days after the horny E2 Portland conflagration; time has yet again taunted me with its treacherous linear nature. Nonetheless, I, qousqous, thanks to the miracles of modern telephony, was able to vicariously attend this marvelous gathering.

The phone was passed from noder to noder as I sat on my bed, watching the snow out my window. I chatted with those ranging from noders I had never heard of to names I had seen in the list to those I am happy to consider friends. I impressed all of them with my earth-shattering lack of brilliance as I regaled them with tales of unfortunate scheduling. I encountered the fair Iowan Girlface, whom I invited to the upcoming Midwest E2 gathering. And I contributed the first line in the homenode contributed to by the most people, typing from over a thousand miles away.

As I talked to more and more Everythingians, hearing in the background laughter and revelry, my disappointment mounted. Thirty-two minutes on the telephone were not what I had hoped for when I first heard of a Portland E2 gathering. Damn your black heart, Chronos! Next time, this summer, in Vancouver, I will be there. Next time, at last, I will attend.