"If readers are to come to Shakespeare and to Chekhov, to Henry James and Jane Austen, then they are best prepared if they have read Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear, Robert Louis Stevenson and Rudyard Kipling." -- Harold Bloom

Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages is a delightful anthology selected by Harold Bloom of both classics by beloved childrens' authors as well as works by writers well known for other great literary classics. All of the works are challenging, whether in prosaic style, verse, themes, or content. The works cover birth, life, and death; nature and the seasons; sadness, love, and hilarity; reflections, morality, and spirituality; mystery, adventure, and fantasy.

But none of the selections are obscure, or ponderously long (the longest is about 20 pages, while most are just a few), or inappropriate for children (e.g. no surrealism or nothing that dwells on the existentialist dilemma, even if these would make for good reading for adults).

I highly recommend this book to children and adults! You can always get it from a library and read a few pages.
The Floating Old Man by Edward Lear

There was an Old Man in a boat,
Who said, "I'm afloat! I'm afloat!"
When they said, "No! you ain't!" he was ready to faint,
That unhappy Old Man in a boat.