Gender/Planet/Element Associations: Feminine/Moon/Water

Ritual Uses:

Cabbage is often served on the night of the Full Moon, as well as after the completion of magical or spiritual workings.

Uses In Folk Magic:

  • People who feared Friday the 13th at one time placed cabbage leaves on their foreheads to ward off evil spirits.
  • Cabbage can also be eaten to internalize protection.
  • It was believed by the ancient Greeks that eating a head of cabbage everyday would cure insanity and all manner of mental/nervous ailments.
  • Cabbage should be planted the first thing after a couple has been married, if they wish to enjoy luck in matrimony and gardenkeeping.
  • Green cabbage, in particular, is good for money-drawing.


  • Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1998.
  • A Kitchen Witches' Guide to Vegetables. "Kitchen Witchery". Accessed: 21 December 2001.