I think Jabberwocky almost misses the point here. I would argue that Kress' and Rand's answers to the question of the Beggars in Spain are far more similar than one might first think.

From the quoted passage, I think we can agree that Tony is playing the role of the hard-core Objectivist, while Leisha is taking a more subtle position. Since Leisha is the protagonist, one may be tempted to think that she is presenting the author's opinion, much as Rearden and Miss Taggart do in Atlas Shrugged, while the minor characters serve merely as foils (e.g., Mr. Taggart, Mrs. Rearden, etc.). I would argue that this is not a correct interpretation of Beggars in Spain.

Leisha is killed in her efforts to help the weak. If Leisha represents a softer take on Objectivism, Kress explicitly puts a bullet in the head of that idea.

By the end of the trilogy, it is well established that when the top of society (the Donkeys) props up the bottom of society (the Livers), the destruction of everyone's humanity is assured. The super-Sleepless set humanity free by destroying the system that enslaves them, but they also destroy humanity itself in the process.

Thus, I would argue that the message of Beggars in Spain is that our best option now is to live in a nearly Objectivist way. Only when humanity becomes something supra-human, may we have a chance to free ourselves from the down sides of Objectivism. Unfortunately, the price for this transition is our identity as humans.