(This is actually written about January 8, 2001, but I already had a day log for that day.)

I had to go back to school today after a horrible winter break. I was sick for most of it and I lost Jesse (Him, my ex) forever to His own ignorance, so I would say it wasn't that great. I actually was not in that bad of a mood today, surprisingly, because I've been feeling depressed lately. But I got through all my classes successfully and I didn't have much homework to do for them.

The low point of my day is when I was walking to my calculus class to get help during lunch. I knew He would cross my path, but I would not go out of my way to avoid Him. Sure enough I saw Him, and He walked by me with His ex (the girlfriend that made my life hell for so long). We looked at each other, but I tried not to. When I was a little past Him, He muttered "bitch", which was obviously meant for me. It just made me so sad that at one point we were all each other had, and now we were reduced to muttering obscenities to each other in passing.

I have journalism with Him, and I did my calculus homework the entire time so I would not have to look at Him. It hurt so bad, I was so sad that I could not speak. I had to leave school because I could not be there any longer, not with Him within the same vicinity as me. He stared me down at one point, every time He did something His ex was with Him. She has too great an influence on him, they will probably be back together in a matter of days.

Once sadly, but now luckily, that is no longer my concern.