I just turned 23 an hour ago. This is my first write-up. I found Everything last week, and have been doing nothing else but eat, sleep and surf the links for hours on end for the past few days...

I know what the person who wrote it feels like my life is out of sync means. I've felt like that for the past year and a half or so, ever since, even during, a study year abroad exchange thing to Glasgow. I met a lot of new people, maybe too many, with the result that now I don't really feel like expending the energy in making new friends. I know I can do it, and everytime I *do* go out I get along pretty damn well with everybody, but I don't want to do it anymore. At least not with people I don't find interesting, not just going along to get along.

Finding everything is a relief... it's a lot closer to exactly what I've always envisioned the internet to be like, people who enjoy exchanging ideas for ideas' sake. It's a relief to find some of the same tortured thoughts that have been echoing around my head for months expressed so completely and intelligently. I am scared, too, but not as much as I was last week...

Happy 23rd Birthday to me...!