The Five Element Theory is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The five elements in this doctrine are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. Each of these elements have specific characteristics that correlate to various bodily systems.

Fire is circulation and blood systems. Earth is linked to the digestive system. Metal is associated with respiratory and elimination. Water is linked to kidneys and bladder. Wood is linked to removal and processing of toxins and hormones.

Within in the Five Element Theory are the control or destructive cycle and the creation cycle. In the creation cycle each element feeds and is fed upon by the elements on each side of it. Therefore: Fire feeds Earth and is nourished by Wood, Earth feeds Metal and is fed upon by Fire, Metal supports Water and is nourished by Earth, Water is supported by Metal and feeds Wood and Wood gets its support from Water and feeds Fire.

In the Destructive or Control Cycle the concept takes on a star shape. So in this cycle Fire strengthens Metal and pulls from Water, Earth strengthens Water and pulls from Wood and so on.

The relationship between these elements are used by practitioners of TCM to help diagnose and treat physical and mental ailments.