Today, I learned some very valuable information.

I have a well known habit of taking my bike out for a few hours and coming back. So long as I get home before it’s too dark, my parents don’t care.

On the few occasions where I didn’t come home, they frantically made calls to all my friends, asking them if they had seen me. They either find me or I am simply on my way home a little late.

My girllet had been sick for the last couple of days. I made a slightly rash promise to go see her today if she didn’t come to school. I promised to bring chocolate covered gummi bears.

It rained yesterday. I might not have gone if it had rained to day. It didn’t rain. It was just cold. I keep promises. I try not to make them often.

The sun sets at 5:00. It’s a 20 minute bike ride there. It is 4:00.

I went.

I got there at 4:20

I left at 5:10

I came back at 5:45.

Make your own assumptions about what we did.

I was gone for almost 2 hours.

My mother didn’t even know that I was gone.

Now I told you that story to tell you this story.

During summer vacation my inability to stop reading a book after starting, my dislike of going to sleep, and my dislike of waking up combine to make me almost nocturnal.

It was a random night during the summer at 3 am. I thought, hey let's wait outside to see the sunrise. Bad idea.

The sunrises at 6:30. But never the less I got dressed and went outside. I fell asleep. I woke up at 5 am. I decided to go back inside. I crashed on the couch and didn’t leave till 2 pm.

My parents found me gone moments after I left and found me back moments after I came back. They found me fully dressed.

“So, where were you last night?”

“I tried to watch the sunrise but I fell asleep in the back of the truck.”

“Oh, okay”

Combine the stories.

I have secretly had freedom for years, only to find it now.