In Trinidadian dialect, "to lime" means to hang out with friends, and a "lime" is a gathering of friends. A lime is a uniquely Trinidadian concept, for which there is no equivalent word in the English language: liming is something the average Trinidadian does as often as possible, for as long as possible. Limes are usually not organized -- any group of more than two people generally becomes a lime. The most obvious difference between a lime and a party is that a party would generally feature music, but the atmosphere of a lime is much less formal than a party, even by the relaxed standards of Trinidadian society. For instance, it would be rude to leave a party early (although Trinidadians do not consider it rude to be late), but anyone can join or leave a lime at any time, rather like an IRC chat room.

I do not know the origin of the word.