"Five points in a row." This is a Japanese board game with Chinese origins.

It is like a simplified form of Go. Like Go, white and black pieces are placed on the interstices of a lined board. Unlike Go, the board has 15 horizontal by 15 vertical lines.

Black makes the first move beginning from the middle of the board. The winner is the one, who builds the first "five-in-a-row" (an unbroken horizontal, vertical or diagonal line with 5 stones of the same color). A game is considered a draw, if the players think, that there can be no winner or loser (e.g. the board is full of stones). Any player, unable to make a move, can pass and refuse to place a stone on the board. If both players pass, the game also ends in a draw.

A version of the game that involves a number of fouls was developed at the end of the 19th century and is called "Renju" (line of pearls).

Other names for the game are "Goren" (five-in-a-row) and "Goseki" (five stones).