Today kinda' sucked. I get my car back from the shop and 5 hours later it's dead again. Somehow my battery is now in bad shape. The snow isn't too bad so at least I get to go a New Year's party.

I watched the movie pi tonight by Darren Aronofsky. I thought it was pretty good, even though some of the math and computer related stuff made me shiver. Computers achieving self-awareness? Ri-ight...anywho... so I'm, like, watching this movie and there's this small part (character named Devi) played by an Indian girl. I keep thinking I've seen her before. Then in one scene the hero wakes up, gets mad, and rushes everyone out of his room. One of the people is a male Indian. I suddenly realize that Devi is the wife of the guy who runs the convenient store in the movie SubUrbia. And, hey, isn't that the guy who runs the store too??? Well, thanks to IMDB, it turns out it is. And even stranger, this pair has been in three movies together (the other is Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream). What's up with that? I mean, I understand big stars working together a lot, but in at least the two movies I've scene these hardly even count as supporting roles. Strange. Maybe their just the two hardest working Indians in Hollywood.

Hope everyone has fun tonight, and has a good year or whatever. I plan on having a great year: getting a real job, getting married, getting an apartment or maybe a house... Wheee!!!