My company just obtained some new office space, adjacent to the old. Our CEO called a party in the new space to celebrate a new contract. It was great, except I am in the middle of a diet. So I broke my diet, partially. I abstained from the chocolate and the strawberries, but I did have some wine.

Meanwhile, my boss continues to parade his ignorance. During a conference call with one of our important customers, he says, "99.5% of Severity 1 problems with our software are solved by a hard-reset of the machine." I have a hard time believing he actually thought this. The opposite is actually true. The only times we had to resort to this barbaric measure was when we had faulty hardware.

I suppose one reason he might have thought this is because we do speak a lot of wanting to install remote power-cycling devices (Baytechs, in our case). But goodness gracious, wouldn't you think he would verify his assumption by talking to his staff before uttering something like that? I guess that means he doesn't think rebooting is such a drastic or strange measure to have to take. (Scary thought).