Another E2 milestone for me. I love this place (it has, indeed, saved my sanity if not my life at one time or another).

I didn't think that my application for Content Editor was that polished, nor that the nodes I'd selected were particularly well-chosen, but I got the job.

It does make a lot of sense for me, though, because as I wander about the nodegel I often find typos, misspellings and other things committed by long-fled noders whose work is very good, but is ever so slightly tarnished by these errors. And I've oh-so-very-much wanted to do something about it.

And thanks to my job, I get to spend a lot of time on E2. In fact, sometimes when I'm sitting in a corner with some papers spread on a table and using my laptop, it a) convinces the staff that my job is tedious, demanding, and very important (ha!) and b) keeps drunks from the bar away from me because they think I'm in the middle of something important (which, actually, I am). So at the very least, E2 has rescued me from the occasional over-served patron who wants to give me a "high five" and go on and on about "dude, you've got the best place here! No, I really mean it, the best!" Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Yesterday I was trying really hard to put up a writeup and I kept getting server errors and the system seemed so slow. Then today I spotted an entirely new user interface and realized something had happened. Something that I initially found quite daunting; no, make that scary.

My first thought when I realized what was going on was "oh, good. Now when I press the Random Node button I can do something about a bit of the nodegel that perhaps could use a bit of improvement."

The most important thing I've taken to heart about my new appointment is that now I have a chance to do more; in fact a responsibility to do more for E2 than ever before. Overwhelmed is an understatement. I wanna take the nodegel and shake it like an apple tree; but that's the exuberance in me. Should I really do that, a few apples may hit me in the head. And my friends will testify, I have borderline symptoms of enough head trauma; I need no more.

Well, I'm going on and on. Suffice it to say that I am deeply honored and quite surprised. I hereby promise all of you that I will do the very best I can to make this a friendly, quality place (just like the one I found when I got here a year and a half ago). I encourage all to fill my inbox to overflowing with suggestions, comments and questions. This, after all, is a learning experience. And absent the wonderful ability to learn (the way humans in particular do), I might as well be a carrot. Scratch that; I'm fat. I'd be a big old turnip.

Thanks to LaggedyAnne who found a typo in this piece! Oh, the humanity!