I had a dream about an hour before I woke up today.


A giant mall, filled with young men and women of high school age, some were venders selling food to get ready for the entertainment.  I pass a man with a bucket of doughnut holes who smiles at me knowingly.  I listen as the high schoolers perform various songs in different areas of the mall, walking back and forth to hear the different music.


The high school performance is done, it is time for the middle schoolers.  A new, fresh energy enters the mall.  Nervousness, earnestness, this is a new generation.


Dancing and singing poppy music, girl groups, good voices, interesting songs.


Suddenly, a surprise.  Giant black speakers rip out of the walls.  The young middle school guys play heavy punk.  Sounds terrible.  Sounds great.  Full of energy.


The dream takes a turn for the worse.  the floor of the mall caves in, leaving only small sections of the mall in tact.  It is the end of the world.