Even more reasons why I get grumpy round the new year?

I go to bed at a reasonable hour. Mostly. This means that the fireworks tend to wake me up. Especially when my moronic neighbors set them off at 20:45, not 0:00. some people's kids....

I also don't see it as a time of new beginnings. I see it simply as another day. That's been the case with most of the holidays. I haven't gotten anything for Christmas this year, and it bites. Really, it bites hard. I didn't want a shower of gifts, but something nice from a friend or two would be nice.
hang on, did someone send me something? Yes, a friend of mine send me an X-rated gift in the mail. Good thing I didn't open it in front of anyone. But still, I mean, Damn, just damn. I hate depression. I really, really do.

Oh well, I start school again next week. Maybe that will help.