Ex-girlfriend Karma

  • I am drawn into an emotional conversation/argument with my ex-girlfriend, Radha. Both of our bodies look the way they did when we were together three years ago; both of us with long brown hair. Likewise, it seems our minds have been similarly transported back in time. As we discuss our past times together and I attempt to heal some old wounds, I am very much reminded of the continuous contradiction that was our relationship. She becomes extremely emotional over the course of our hour's long talk. We are outside and walking through a college campus as Radha gradually transforms herself from a lovely woman into a weeping fist clenched in pain. How vivid this old version of Radha is, still the girl in love with me so much she'd rather cry every day than live without me. I explain that I'm going to be together with Genery for a long, long time. I am about to re-express how I truly cared for her when we were together when she turns and runs. Soon I see her appear on the ledge of a clock tower, making it obvious that she intends to throw herself off. I see a small crowd of people we know collect around the base of the tower, begging her to come down. She's on a ferocious crying jag and all ready to do herself in. Dream ends.