Picnic calzones are specifically created to be portable and versatile crowd-pleasers. This recipe is just for the dough; they can be filled with anything (about 3 tablespoons of filling), from cheese to veggies to tomato sauce. My favorite is white cheese, eaten plain, but these are good dipped in any kind of sauce as well. It is especially recommended for autumn occasions, because it is hot and bread-based.



Stir together all ingredients except flour until yeast dissolves. Add 2 cups flour and beat until smooth. Gradually add remaining flour. Knead, adding flour if sticky. Let rise, covered with a damp towel, for one hour. Punch down. Preheat oven to 450ºF Divide dough into 8 parts. Roll each into 1/4-inch rounds about 5 inches across. Moisten around edges with water. Put 2-3 tablespoons filling in each, off center, to be folded over. Crimp with a fork and prick holes in the top. Bake for 15-20 minutes on ungreased sheet.

Yield: 8 servings
Source: Paraphrased from Dee Dee Stovel, Picnic
Use for: Lughnasadh, Mabon

Pagan recipes