This is a song by Ween, from the album 12 Golden Country Greats.

Slow, somewhat distorted song, sung with a voice that sounds a bit drunken. This song cracks me up, it's sort of backwater-slow-day funny, like some bored old country weirdo had the highlight of his day when the cop told his girlfriend to get his dog off the path. Lyrics generally follow this sort of pattern:

furry buddy
chewed his leg
on the porch
why'd you do it Fluffy?
on the porch

You get the idea.

I'm not sure if they were drunk or high or something when they decided to make this song, because the distortedness and silliness of this song makes it sound like something from the era of The Pod or before. It could be they were just trying to think of what life would be like if they had nothing better to do than sit on their porch with a girlfriend and a dog. It makes a fitting ending to this album.

This song is © 1996 by Ween, Elektra Records.

Check out Ween's next album, The Mollusk.