This is a song by Ween, from the album The Pod.

It is a slow, weird song, less distortion than most of the songs on the album, but of course the lyrics don't make a lot of sense. For example:

Monsters that trinkle like cats in the night.
The cosmic conceiver continues his plight.
A war of the heavens, what's wrong and what's right.
Right to the ways and the rules of the world.
Right to the ways and the rules of the world.

The "right to the ways and the rules of the world" is sort of the chorus, and is sung in tandem by sleepy-sounding people, while the lead vocal is very awake and seems to get more agitated as the song goes on, breaking up when he sings, with his voice breaking too. At the end (where the lyrics shriek "chewing the grits"), he just breaks off as if he can't go on.

This song is © 1991 by Ween, Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp/Ver Music/Browndog Music/BMI.

The Pod
Next song on this album: Captain Fantasy
CST Approved