Construction of Intangible Memory (iozone)

Intangible Memory, also known as the iozone, exists in an n-dimensional space. Moving between dimensions is just a matter of translation. The iozone is important, as a physical and philosophical idea, because virtual reality can be accessed and invite unexpected responses to what is found: the powerful presence of obscure phenomena and ambiguity.

Analysis of white noise, produced by programming altered states of data, can be compared to an electronic spoon-- a hardware/software object that takes what may appear to be nothing and creates something else, less chaotic than would be expected; I.E., an active channel.

The iozone may appear on the surface to be nothing useful, yet it is the root of mixed creative processes. Compare it to holographic simulation-- what you look at does not exist in the current frame, it's a memory. The image is juxtaposed between reality and unreality. Mixing comes.

Take a step further by connecting some associative memory, and a neural network. That makes it possible to create a multi-dimensional topography for holding and analyzing extracted 2 or 3 dimensional iozone data. Or, as my aunt Layla said, "That's life!"

The possibilities are intoxicating. An associative memory, connected to the iozone, surrounded by an artificial neural network, can create new and amazing world views.

These systems are more evolutionary than Farnsworth's image dissector.