...the party kind of broke up, and we all went to a diner for breakfast in the rainy morning...

...Karen held her puppy, and said "I'll be with you for good, from now on!"...

...the known Universe will asymptotically approach absolute zero while matter diffuses over vast distances...

...the storm clouds broke at last and a rare triple rainbow faced the setting Sun...

...The heroes took the Ship to the Western Lands, and were never more seen by Man....

...I went to the bar at the foot of the Mountain, and had a quick one to warm up before going home...

...the old woman made tea and Welsh Rabbit, and lay out her clothing for the week ahead...

...Odysseus walked inland, until a passer-by mistook his oar for a winnowing-fan, and there built his shrine to Posidon, thus ending the epic of the Trojan War.