The Medievals had a theory of temperaments, as well, dividing human beings into the Sanguine, the Choleric , the Phlegmatic , and the Melancholic depending upon their prevailing humor, or bodily fluid (blood, yellow bile, phlegm, or black bile) according to a theory by Aristotle and accepted by Galen. In true Medieval fashion, these were correlated with directions of the compass, the four elements, and the animals of Ezekiel (lion, eagle, angel, and ox).

Sanguines were classified as dominant, yet friendly, types who tended to run things, and were marked by a propensity towards cheerfulness and often had red hair or faces; the Choleric were proud but hostile, and were drawn to military careers or other bellicose roles, who often had blonde hair and/or a slight yellow cast to their skin; the Phlegmatic were humble, friendly, people of great patience, drawn towards farming and the clergy, who had grey or white hair and a blue cast, and the Melancholic, who were low-status and hostile, dark in skin and/and or hair, who, if well-disciplined could be great mystics, hermits and artists, but often fell into criminal careers of nihilism, despair, and sloth.

This classification system survives in Dr. Timothy Leary's still-useful Transpersonal Diagnosis of Personality and the Houses of Hogwarts in Harry Potter, where the Serpent of Slytherin substitutes for the Ox and the Badger of Hufflepuff for the Angel.

In terms of President Trump, there is no such thing as a "winning" temperament, that is, one who is oriented towards success, and always (or nearly always) succeeds. It is just as cruel to pen a born Choleric into a career of Phlegmatic farming and/or ministry as it is to try to force a Melancholic into a Sanguine role of fatherly rulership. It appears to me, however, that what we have here is a very unhappy Melancholic indeed, who was very early forced into a role of power: that is, a military or administrative figure. He might try to fill out these roles, in that he might claim that he "wins" in having various high-status products with his name on them, or that he's more of a hawk than anyone else, but that's not who he really is.