The name Montague references a lot of things: a grilling and cooking company, a town on Prince Edward Island, a city and county in Texas (and, in fact, 8 other cities in the United States), and that famous family of which the ill-fated Romeo was a part in William Shakespeare's timeless tragedy Romeo and Juliet.

The name itself comes from the French surname Montagu, itself a bastardization of Mont Aign, an extant district in pre-Normandy France.

Today the Montague name is best represented by the Montage Millennium project, a curiously outdated website found at, whose sole intention is to account for and chart the entire geneology of the Montague family name throughout recorded history.

Perhaps the most famous Montague (besides Shakespeare's star-crossed lover) is the American philosopher Richard Montague, whose linguistic theories on quantification and type theory gave rise to the term "Montague grammar."