I'm not sure the brickmaking analogy is exactly the correct one, but it does bring to my mind what I have tried to express in my other nodes about public education.

The graduates of our schools, whether public, private, or home, become the wall that is our society. To some, the ideal design of that wall is of uniform modules, that can be serviced in identical manners--this is the basis of mass technological manufacturing.

This vision of uniformity, however, has little basis in the way things actually are. And the attempt to make uniform bricks is just as destructive as the attempt to force them into a drab, gray wall.

We see the debris of these parallel exercises every day.

So many feel that they must leave the public schools to protect their children, and from an individual perspective, it is hard to argue with them. But, to switch analogies, there is an infection spreading, and like any infection the only way any one may be protected, all must be protected.

I am not arguing that public schools are a great place, on the contrary, they have been abandoned in favour of some libertarian notion of rugged individualism, or I'm alright, Jack philosophy.

We are, all of us, rich and poor, sick and healthy, thoughtful and rash, citizens of the same world, the same countries. Though some believe others moust be controlled to make their, so-called, society safe, healthy and thoughtful, they can never maintain their utopia--so we might as well educate all our children, together for the greatest building task the world has always known: the wall against the chaos that awaits.