An area located near the centre of the Netherlands. The three largest cities on `de Veluwe' are Apeldoorn, Arnhem, and Ede.

It has a relatively low population density (150-300/sqkm), and a fairly large amount of forests and heathland. The highest point is the "Torenberg" (Towermountain) which reaches 107.1 metres above sea level. On average de Veluwe is at 20-100 metres above sea level.

Together with the northern provinces, de Veluwe has the largest amount of useful precipitation (> 300 mm/year). Hence the large variety of vegetation, methinks.

It is most well known for its wildlife (boars, deer, etc) which can not be found in other places in the Netherlands.

De Veluwe's main tourist attraction is the national park "de Hoge Veluwe".

Newsupdate (15-10-00): They're going to start cutting down trees to reinstate the original sandy environment. According to the biologists it will be the only environment in which some species, which would otherwise be extinct in Europe, could live. I hope they at least make paper out of those trees.