The Hall effect sensor is a magnetic field sensor that is capable of detecting both static and dynamic fields. Hall effect sensors are made from a semiconductor material with a high Hall constant (like Indium-antimony or indium-arsenic). There are several types of sensors available, some have a linear output according to field strength. Others may have a output that turns on when the field comes over a spesific value. Pure Hall effect elements without built in amplification also exist.

The Hall effect.

No magnetic field:

 electron     ___/___                 /
  flow       /      /             ---
      -->---/------/--->---      |\  | (no voltage)
           /______/              `-o-'
              /                   /

In a magnetic field(electron flow deflected):

                - _____________________
 electron     ___/___                 /
  flow       / ..   /             ---
      -->---/-'  `-/--->---      |  /| voltage
           /______/              `-o-'difference
              /                   /
            + `------------------/

The hall effect sensor is connected to a DC power supply. Without a magnetic flux present the electrons flow evenly and straight through the conductor. But when the sensor is subjected to a magnetic field, the field will attract or repel the electrons according to polarity(This is due to the electrons charge). This means that one side of the plate has a higher density of electrons, and this causes an elecrtrical potential difference between the sides of the plate. This potential are almost propotional to the strength of the field.

Common places to find these sensors is in disk drives and cooling fans where they are used to measure rotational speed. They are also used in DC amphere meters of the clamp type.