she's a funny lookin' fella

As I prepared for work this morning, our cat was going through her morning ritual with me ...figure eights around my ankles, falling down at my feet, jumping on the counter and pawing at my face. In this observation ...and participation... I realized that this one year old cat has developed a fine sense of its responsibilities, and is the best time manager I know.

Susha ...or as I call her, Fargo... keeps the house amazingly purged of rodents, and other creatures a person does not like to encounter or find evidence of. She sweeps the house daily for spider webs, errant winds, ghosts and anomolies in the space-time continuum. She guards the perimeter through constant communication with her tomcat tabby boyfriend, and a couple of the neighborhood squirrels. She cleans her food bowl and doesn't leave crumbs all over the place. And keeps all of her toys picked up and out of sight under the furniture, when she is not playing with them.

In addition to these duties, she gets proper rest to restore her energies, greets every guest that arrives at our door, and makes time each day to express her affection for each member of the household ...seemingly, just when we need it.

I have read and studied many books and methods about organization, delegation of responsibility, and time management ...but until this morning, I had never realized such a perfect example exists in my life.

I hope you have one too.