The generic name is levetiracetam. It is manufactured by UCB Pharma. It is used primarily as an anticonvulsant, but like many antiepileptic drugs it also has been used to treat some kinds of psychiatric disorders. The mechanism of action and exact pharmacokinetics are not known yet. It is supposed to control partial seizures, primarily by preventing them from generalizing.

Patients with kidney disease should not take Keppra.

Possible side effects of Keppra:

  • Extreme sleepiness, tiredness, and weakness.
  • Problems with muscle coordination (i.e. ataxia)
  • Mood and behavior changes
  • Increased likelihood of infection

It is most commonly dispensed in 250, 500, and 750 mg tablets.

twitch version 3.0 was on this as a first anticonvulsant (when it is usually reserved for thirdline use), got all 4 common side effects, and had very little relief. In his opinion Lamictal has much better results along with Topamax.