In particle physics, supersymmetry theories, such as SUSY, hold that at the high energy scales of the early Universe the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces were all unified, that is they were all indistinguishable. As consequence of this, each particle of the standard model is expected to have a supersymmetric partner, or superpartner; for example, the electron's partner is the selectron, and the neutrino has the sneutrino. It seems that this duality does not stop at particle physics, however, but extends to the human diet.

In America we traditionally eat three meals a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but there is a superpartner to this trinity, slunch. We do not normally encounter slunch because slunch can only be observed at high enough energies, such as those found in the SSC (Student Social Collider), sometimes known as college in the literature. When people are excited to sufficiently high energies in these interactions, we see the appearance of slunch as the superpartner to lunch. Slunch appears in a symmetric relationship lunch, being displaced by approximately half a day. Researchers have long noted a naturalness problem in the existence of three meals (an apparently arbitrary number) as well as the fact that lunch and dinner have a high probability of being found in a similar state of cuisine whereas the probability of breakfast being found in such a state is low. The discovery of slunch shows the meals are in fact grouped in two doublets, and slunch has a high probability of being found in the state of "breakfast food", restoring the cuisine symmetry.

As the energy scale of interactions becomes lower, we find that the phenomenon known as sleep causes spontaneous symmetry breaking, suppressing the appearance of at least one meal. In humans, the symmetry breaking normally takes the form of diurnal behavior, so that slunch is suppressed. It should also be noted that some people may be trapped in a state of low enough energy, sometimes known as slacking, wherein symmetry breaking is more extreme and only two or even one meal is observed, further justifying the claim for symmetry breaking in this system. The existence of brunch is still not fully understood, and we propose further experiments to probe its relationship, both to energy scales and the "Sunday brunch" anomaly. Finally, as noted, some meals like slunch and to a lesser degree others can be found either in the "breakfast food" or "dinner food" state, so it may be fruitful to explore the existence of a mixing matrix between meal and cuisine eigenstates.


This was the product of several physics students sitting in a diner eating eggs and pancakes at 5 am. It's funny how well you can relate your guts and your GUTs, though.