There are ten such words, each of them exactly one hundred letters long, except the last which has 101, making a total of 1001 letters (an allusion to Arabian Nights?). They consist of the word "thunder" in various languages all chopped up and stuck back together. I intend to memorize at least one and recite it often and with gusto. Here are all ten and their page numbers in the Penguin edition:

page 3:

page 23:

page 44:

page 90:
Bladyughfoulmoecklenburgwhurawhorascortastrumpapornanennykocksapastippatappatupperstrippuckputtanach, eh?

page 113:

page 257:

page 314:

page 332:

page 414:

page 424:

Come on, try to read one aloud!