The earth under your paws. The wind through your fur. The scent of the earth, and your prey, in your face, embracing every fiber of your being. Movement, slow and stealthy, then waiting, waiting, waiting... until finally, the signal, and you give chase. Eyes, nose, ears, all your senses trained on your target, you strain to catch it, to watch it stumble, to leap upon it and throw it off-balance, to get to the point where you can -- you must -- sink your fangs into your prey's body, its throat, its meat...

This is one vision of the Hunt, from the wolf's point of view. Some people want to become close to wolf, to become werewolves themselves, in order to experience this.

From the structure of a pack, to the reliance on a few, well-chosen friends for everything that one cannot be self-sufficient for, the people who want to be werewolves are for the most part annoyed with human society... and those who do wish to be werewolves are usually some of the underbelly of human society... the lost souls, the rejects, the ones who otherwise turn into goths or other 'undesirable' groups.