Parmenides was a Greek philosopher and poet, born of an illustrious family. He was held in high esteem by his fellow citizens for his excellent legislation, and was admired for his exemplary life.

He believed that truth lies in the perception that existence is, and that error lies in the idea that non-existence also can be. Nothing can exist if it cannot be imagined, therefore to be imagined and to be able to exist are the same thing. He goes on to consider the consequences of saying that anything exists. In the first place, it cannot have come into being. If it had, it must have arisen either from nothing or from something. It cannot have arisen from nothing, for there is no nothing. It cannot have arisen from something, for there is nothing else than what exists. Nor can anything else besides itself come into being, for there can be no empty space in which it could do so. In this way, Parmenides completely refutes all accounts of the origin of the universe.

(Speaking to Socrates) “…similars, for example, become similar, because they partake of similarity; and great things become great, because they partake of greatness; and just and beautiful things become just and beautiful, because they partake of justice and beauty…”

(Speaking to Socrates) “…one and the same thing will exist as a whole at the same time in many separate individuals, and will therefore be in a state of separation from itself.”

Ouroboros says, "If these quotations are addressed to Socrates, they are likely the construction of Plato, a character based on the historical philosopher Parmenides, and are therefore suspect."