Inflatable_Monk has become a Monk
Well, I don't mean that literally, but I will be backing off for awhile. I am going to discipline myself. I am on a spiritual quest you could say, an E2 fast. I think E2 is wonderful and I think the people on E2 are wonderful, I just believe I should back off for awhile. At the least it will be 10 days.
I have come up with a set of rules I am putting before myself. If any of you catch me breaking these rules, notify me immediately.
- I will not engage in any shape or form in Chatterbox discussions.
- I will only be allowed 1 usergroup or personal message to send per day.
- This will be my last node for quite sometime, if any other nodes are released, including Daylogs (excluding April 24, 2003), please notify me.
- Votes alloted per day will be spent daily.
Some of you are probably just scratching your heads right now. Why in the heck would I do something like this? One simple reason. I want to. That's all you need to know.
Farewell. For now.
P.S. One thing I forgot to mention and I should have, is that this fast is to pray for my first date. This is a later edit. I didn't really realize what I was fasting until a couple days later.