Today was the first day I have ever been on e2 and been at the top of the list of Your Fellow Noders. There were fourteen people here. I find this terrifying, elating, and depressing at the same time.

I think it's safe to say that e2 shaped me as human being. Yeah, that's a pretty big statement to just flop down onto the table, and yeah, I'm home sick and it's swine flu season but... I'm going to leave it there. On the table. Looking mildly embarrassed but also overly dramatic.

So yeah, it's kind of weird to be here at the top of the list. I'm only here now because one of my noder heroes, sam512, apparently just signed out, and that's pretty awesome too*.

Where I was when I started out at e2: 17, never been kissed, nerdiest girl in the eleventh grade, pretty naive and unaware that furries even existed.

Where I am now: 25, PhD student, living in another country, maybe got this sexuality thing figured out, totally up on what furries are.

Good work, team.

*PS don't tell him.