It takes very little to make my eyes water. I discovered this shortly after discovering a longer than I would like nose hair. It tickled, it annoyed, it had to go. Try as I might I could not quite succeed in grasping the offending folicle with my fingers. I did succeed in clearing my tubes of nose goblins though as I sneezed and poked and prodded till they were all gone. Luckily my ex-girlfriend had helped me to select a very useful and precisely engineered pair of surgical tweezers. These were really for plucking the hair from my back and shoulders though I noticed that she used them to pluck hairs from the mole on her face too. Taking these tweezers of excellence in one hand and the the tip of my nose in the other I peered into the mirror. My first (and most disturbing) realisation was that there were far more hairs than I had originally thought. My second realisation was that I was getting old. You pluck and you're old. Anyway, I took said tweezers and gripped the hair - this is not for the easily tickled because it REALLY tickles. Next, holding my breath against an impending sneeze, I pulled. My eyes watered. I hadn't pulled hard enough, the hair was still there...sigh...