While interviewing for jobs a few years back it became evident to me that a good way to figure out if I wanted to work for a company was to visit the restroom. If you decide to try this, once inside there are certain things you should ask yourself (not necessarily complete nor in order of importance).

Where is it located? Is there one restroom in a far off corner of the building or are they liberally spread out among floors in the building? Will you reach it in time if your last six cups of coffee decide to hit your bladder all at the same time?

Is it clean and orderly? Are the floors clean? Are the toilets clean? Do the soap dispensers, faucets and toilets all work? Is there graffiti on the walls? Are the mirrors chipped or cracked? Are the lights all working? In general, is this a place you will want to visit at least once a day?

Is it well-supplied? Are there toilet seat covers? Enough toilet paper in all the stalls? Paper towels or air hand dryers? And finally the reason why you judge by the female restroom, do they charge for tampons and pads? This may seem unimportant and of no concern to you men, but believe me, it is not. A company that charges its female employees for these normal bathroom products is saying that either it doesn't care enough about them to provide them with this item that should be as freely available as toilet paper, or that it is strapped for cash and unable to spend a few dollars on its employees every month.