Astrology is a sort of pseudo-religion popular among hippies and drug addicts. It has something to do with the stars, but for the most part believers think that the month in which you are born determines everything about you, including your personality and behavior. They also seem to believe that everyone born in the same month will have the same future. I don't believe in astrology. I think it's a bunch of bullshit, myself. Still, if people want to believe in it they're free to do so. Some people who believe in astrology constantly piss me off though. Many of them are constantly trying to evangelize me. They attempt to analyze me and tell me how to live my life based entirely around the day I was born. They make vague assumptions about my personality and if they happen to guess correctly they congratulate themselves and try and use it as an example of the power of astrology. It doesn't matter how many times I denounce it to these people; they continue to try and convert me.

The evangelism doesn't bother me that much though. The thing that annoys me the most is how many people who believe in astrology will try and justify their unruly behavior by saying that their sign makes them act that way. I have a friend who avidly believes in astrology. This friend is a very loud, obnoxious, juvenile person. I am constantly asking him to "shut the hell up" or "cut that the hell out". Every time I ask him to stop being annoying he simply replies "I'm a Virgo" and continues to act like a moron. So basically he thinks that anyone born between August 24 and September 22 has a right to annoy other people? It's gotten so bad that some of my other friends claim to be an "honorary Virgo" when they are being annoying.

Another example: One of my other friends is a teacher. He teaches third grade at a local elementary school. When he isn't teaching school he is smoking weed or drinking. He is also working on making a documentary film about sex or hookers or something like that. One time we were drinking some of his home made alcohol and he told me about his film project. He was telling me that the previous weekend he had interviewed a stripper for his film. I asked him, "And you teach little kids, right?” His response was "I'm a Gemini."