A traditional South African folksong adapted by Arlo Guthrie. It is on his Amigo album. The lyrics are in Zulu.

Guabi Guabi kuzwan le toum diome
Ize les gambi shooey entana
Guabi Guabi kuzwan le toum diome
Ize les gambi shooey entana

Ni izome tingy la ma bonza
Ize widgy le ba na na
Ni izome tingy la ma bonza
Ize widgy le ba na na

It translates to:
Hear, Guabi, Guabi, I have a girlfriend
She lives at Nkamben, sure I love her
I will buy her buns, sweets, and bananas.

The lyrics and translation are from http://www.arlo.net/lyrics/guabi.shtml