So... I just misplaced my keys in the calm beautiful immensity of the cosmos. Dammit.
Lost beyond time, no chromatic rockets or special effects can possibly get them back.
I search the sky in vain, peering into previously unexplored corners of the universe,
nonchalantly munching on particles of donuts and sugar...
where are my fucking keys I wonder ?

Miniscule electromagnetic waves pass by as I sigh, quarks and strings,
satellites and micrometeorites. Too much Space and too many parasites;
" I'm moving to the cyburbs " the Little Prince told me once.
Something shines beyond some gas giant, but of course it turns out
to be the last remnant of some alien ship's bipropellant.

The Sun, he scratches himself, and flings down his photons like nobody's business.
Ziggy's there choking on golden glittery stardust, cursing interstellar debris,
I doubt he'd help me. In the rear-view mirror of my now stalling saucer I see
the Lofstrom loop and some mutants dressed in retrofuturist space suits.
They snicker and begin throwing laser beams in my direction.
What the hell, is this a shitty day or just my impression ?

The protophasons of encephalic half-life are leaking away from my body.
What was it I was looking for again ? I forget already.