Dreams don’t materialise very often for me, but this morning was one of those times when I just drift in and out of sleep for a few hours. I had quite a few dreams but there is only one that I can remember.

In reality I have this strange habit of throwing myself out the back of aircraft, the scene of this dream was in a rather small aircraft on the way to a suitable altitude for me to perform my bad habit at. The aircraft had just taken off and was flying above a motorway when the pilot said “I can’t do it”. We all sat in silence for a few minutes.

Eventually the planes wing hit a lamppost and the aircraft was thrown out of control bouncing along the ground quite violently. It hit a bump in the road and lifted off the ground only to be cut in half very quickly by I’m not quite sure what. I was in the rear of the aircraft with some other people, we watched as the front half bounced off the ground and eventually exploded. We then hit the ground and started to slow down, but contrary to the laws of physics we suddenly bounced into the air and started to speed up. This is when I woke up.