I called in to CNET's Buzz Out Loud podcast this morning, airing my tongue-in-cheek grievance against Google for ripping off Everything2 for its user-created encyclopedia full of entries called "knols".

Here's the mind-blowing part: they didn't just play my call, they went on to discuss Everything2 at length. Co-host Tom Merritt said that he was a noder back in the day (which one, I wonder?). They talked about the differences and similarities between the Google Knols project and E2; how some great ideas catch on and become insanely popular while others remain relatively obscure; and how E2 is really pretty cool and full of awesome people.

Heh. Neat.

The show is at http://podcast-files.cnet.com/podcast/cnet_buzzoutloud_121707.mp3. E2 is mentioned about 33 minutes in.