It's a boy!!!

Yesterday cbustapeck and I had our anatomy ultrasound - in which the techs make sure every bit of the baby is developing normally and there are no cleft lips/palates, clenched fists indicating chromosomal disorders, kinks in the umbilical chord or any of the many other signs of something being "wrong". Typical of a child created by he and I, ours covered his little face with his fisted hands, hid his hands behind his head and overlapped them so the tech couldn't photograph their perfectly flexed positions, kept his legs clenched and decided to curl to prevent photos of all of the chambers of his heart. Stubborn as an ox. I consider this kind of lucky, because while most of it was sorted out and photographed we get to go back in a month to get another ultrasound for some extra heart pictures.

We only get one ultrasound under our insurance, unless the doctor needs it for diagnostic purposes. This was our second, the first was a new screening process done to check the propensity for Down's Syndrome and the various Trisomys. So now we essentially get a free third one because the insurance will cover it as diagnostic. Wohoo! (It's the little things that excite you when you're pregnant)

Eventually the baby's goods became visible and the tech announced his gender and the identification of little Everett has been celebrated ever since.