Now defunct (please correct me if I'm wrong) hip-hop group consisiting of Butterfly (Ishmael Butler), Ladybug (Mary Ann Viera) and Doodlebug (Craig Irving). They debuted with Reachin' (A New Refutation of Time and Space) in '93, which gained much mainstream exposure due to its infectious first single, "Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)".

While being whole-heartedly embraced by the MTV bourgeouis, the Digable Planets projected a genuine anti-capitalist, pro-black message which they made palatable to the public with generous helpings of "the funk". After moving on from their sample heavy first album, they released the seminal classic Blowout Comb in '94, which IMO is their crowning glory.

Inexplicably Blowout Comb met with mixed reactions which led to mediocre sales, making it one of the most "slept on" hip-hop albums of the mid 90's. Of course, one has to also take into account the fact that '94 was a very dope year in hip-hop (to say the least), which may explain why this gem was so casually overlooked by the public.